Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Life of a Superheroine

Greetings Folks! Welcome to my new blog, Eat Butter Live Butter. This is a little peek into the happenings of my NYC journey through various jobs and countless experiences with food, culture, and everything else in between. Enjoy!

I'm currently working for Andrew Zuckerman Studio. He's an amazingly talented photographer and has published three books thus far. This is one of my favorite photos from his book titled Creature. His studio is located in Chelsea and staffs anywhere from 7-12 people at a time. Before my arrival, the studio would order delivery or hire a catering service for staff lunches. Cursed with a green conscience, Andrew could not stand all of the waste take-out food produces. He also could not shake the ongoing nightmare of mystery baked greasy spaghetti stuff in gargantuan aluminum tubs he once received from a caterer. Fed up with the caloric crud and a drawer full of soy sauce packets and plastic sporks, he knew it was time for a change. Upon relocating to a bigger studio, he decided to build a kitchenette in the new space. And what's a kitchen without a cook?

About a year ago, I was fortunate enough to stumble upon an ad for a personal cook on Craigslists. With no previous history of professional cooking or culinary school, I clicked on the ad anyway. Next thing you know I was prepping for my interview/audition. I wanted to make so many different things but realized I needed to focus on a few staples to give them a taste of what I can do. Well it was all a hit and I've been whipping up awesome lunches for them ever since.

The studio staff are generally open minded eaters. They're usually just worried about hitting some of the major food groups and keeping it healthy. I rarely get anyone with dietary restrictions except the occasional 'no condiments anywhere near my sandwich' guy or the 'carbs are the devil' guy. They're all real chill and interesting folks who I have the pleasure of eating lunch with everyday.

This is by far one of the most pleasant jobs I've had. I'm able to utilize my creativity with recipes and am constantly learning something new. It's also nice to cook for the occasional celebrity visitor. Not to mention his hottie good friend, Jake Gyllenhaal. He's also currently working on a project about music so I've been lucky enough to catch a few of the interviews. Really inspiring content, make sure to keep an ear out for that.

I'm constantly discovering, creating, and searching for new recipes. So feel free to trade or just pick up a few of mine that I'll be posting. They're always super simple, quick, and of course tasty.

For extra income, I also work as a waitress/barmaid at Quartino in the Bowery. Quartino is an Italian Organic Pescetarian Restaurant. The cuisine is inspired by Ligurian staples such as whole wheat pastas, pestos, and one of a kind olive oil. All of the breads and pastas are whole wheat and home made everyday. The idea of the restaurant was conceived by a few Italian doctors wanting a place where they can enjoy home cooked meals with only the freshest ingredients. They also own the olive orchards and vineyards in which our oil and house wines are derived. All of these fine details ensure an organic dining experience.

Both jobs keep me fairly busy during the week, but what's life with all work and no play? A New York City kind of life, that's what! I had recently freed up my Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays; a first in my NYC career. I have chosen to dedicate 10 weekends to Yoga to the People's Teacher Training course. This includes rigorous personal practice, lectures, workshops, and a lot more I'm not quite sure of yet. I'm two weeks in and I'm already feeling extremely motivated and excited for every new experience. Before starting the training, I made a few lifestyle changes in order to prepare physically, mentally, and spiritually. I must say, it feels damn good! On Monday I started a new project/experiment that I will be conducting for the next two months. It's main rule is that I spend only $10/week on food. I know sounds ludicrous right? Well check back next week and I'll tell you all of the details to my wild endeavor.

Till then... keep cookin, good lookin!


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